Friday, October 31, 2008

Barcelona: Halloween

Its a bit rainy here today. So Morganne and I just kind of hung out inside most the time. We were also both a bit worn out too. Lastnight was quite the adventure. We werent even in Barcelona for a full hour before we found ourselves thrown right into the night scene of Barcelona. We arrived at about 10:30 at night and we got a taxi to the Hostel we are staying at. After paying and talking to a few people we get invited with everyone else out to this bar. So, i dont know what it was, after a full day of traveling and waiting for trains since 8 in the morning, we some how thought we were able to do this. We got ready and we headed out to the bar.

The Hostel we are at is called Sant Jordis Argo and there are about 5 of these hostels all over Barcelona. So this bar that we went to, it was all of these hostels and everyone staying at these hostels. It was cool seeing and meeting all the people from all around the world. We met these guys from Argentina and one of them stuck with Morganne and i through out the whole night and he even helped us find our way back to our hostel. His name, Guido (Gheedo) Dero.
So at the bar everyone was drinking and talking and everything. I was drinking water. After a few hours at the bar we all headed to this club.
Now, this is my first OFFICIAL club expiriance. I mean, iv been to shows where everyone was dancing (Girl Talk) and that was awesome. This expiriance was crazy. It was two levels, both levels packed with people, shoulder to shoulder, the dancing was very minimal amongst everyone but everyone was dancing, i think even if they didnt want to, people were forced to because they were stuck between everyone else who was dancing.
So we were there, time flew by and we ended up leaving around 4 in the morning. So Guido, Morganne, and I were walking around Barcelona at 4 in the morning. And suprisingly it felt safe. No one bothered us and the people who did talk to us were nice. So, it was a good time. It was a fun, long night out on the town.
Tonight is Halloween here in Barcelona, and i guess the party started lastnight and continues tonight. And then tomarrow night we are going to go see Russian Circles and These Arms Are Snakes. So, so far...Barcelona is amazing.

We did walk around a bit today during a break in the rain and we got directions to a natural foods store so we went there and got some things, hygene products and food products. One food product that i got was....Vegan YOGURT! YESSS!!!! Awesome! So that puts it in stone. Barcelona, i can see myself living here...or something like that. They got good vegan food and fun people.

So, the other night in Nice i was awaky pretty late, not as late as last night but pretty late. I decided that when Morganne and I split that i should map out the rest of my journey, so i did. After Barcelona I am no longer "Winging" it here in Europe. I found one benefit of this so far and thats the couchsurfing network. Since i know where im going to be on pretty specific dates i have been working that net work like no other. I have places to stay in Lisbon and Brussels now. Im still looking for Vienna, Berlin, and Amsterdam. Im trying to get the rest of November covered so im not having to pay for Hostels. Cause these things really put a damper on the funds, i tell you what. If i can go all of november without having to pay for them, that would be GREAT.

So the Itinarary is this:

Barcelona untill the 4th
Valencia till the 7th.
Madrid to the 10th,
Lisbon to the 15th.
From the 15th to the 16th i need to make a trek to Vienna which will take me a couple days. i will be staying on night trains for these nights.
Vienna untill the 20th
Berlin Untill the 25th
Prague untill the 27th
Amsterdam untill the 1st
Brussles untill the 5th
On the 5th, or 6th, havent decided yet i will take a day trip back to Paris to get my bike and then up to London from there.
Untill the 10th....
On the 10th i fly out of London into Chicago.

So, there it is. Thats the rest of my time in Europe. Tomarrow will be my one month point. It seems like just last week i was in Paris....but...iv been to soo many places and through so many adventures and its only been a month. So like i was saying before its like when im thinking about it, time goes by so slow, but when im actually in it, its flying by. And to think Im barely half way done...

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