Shortly after this picture was taken i had to walk down about 3 steps and then there was a map of a park. They have maps for all the parks in London, like Hyde Park and Kinsington Park, I have found since i have no idea where i am going looking at these maps are way more helpfull than asking the people for directions. But, as i was looking at the map for the park that was directly behind me in this picture about 5 people came up to me asked me for directions. One lady even said "You seem to know your way around here, can you tell me where the Victoria Station is?" And i just looked at the map that was right infront of both of us and tried to find it on there, luckilly there was a arrow pointing in the direction of the station but it didnt actually have a map going all the way to the Victory station. So i just pointed her in that direction.
Also, the people here are actually pretty nice. everyone iv talked to have been real friendly, a few people (other than the ones asking for directions) actually approached me about my bike. A group of construction workers couldnt believe i rode a bike with no breaks. A group of kids maybe 17 years old came up to me and asked me right off the bat "would you sell your bike?". But i declined them, but i still talked to them a little bit, i told them that it was an old schwinn frame that i just built up and they thought that that meant it was really expensive. I wonder how much i can get for my bike...
I wandered around the city quite a bit trying to make it back to the house im staying at. Its so hard though. At every bus stop they have a map of the routes and then a map of near by streets, i swear at one point i thought some one changed it on me. I was walking up this street called Queensway and it sounded really familiar, so i looked at the map of the streets around it and one of them was Bayswater leading into Notting Hills Gate, which is where i met the owner of the house lastnight that im staying with. And not only that but Queensway actually just ends at that street, so i walk up the street get to where i THOUGHT we had met up, i try and remember the bike route we took back to his place. Well, turns out i was wrong, so from where i was after riding a short bit i realize i should go back to Queensway, well i know the direction that its in, so i head in that direction. Wrong idea. Roads end and turn around and you wont even notice. It was so hard to get back to Queensway, it was rediculous! But i finally do it, and i look at the map that i thought i looked at last time i was on Queensway, well it seemed like the directions were all mixed up! I was getting a bit frustrated, you also have to understand i have no idea what time it is, its getting dark, and there are areas where there are a ton of people out and there are alot of areas where there arent really too many people out... So i pick a direction to go, i get back to Notting Hills Gate, and I call the guy im staying with. He tells me some directions and even when i really really try to remember them i will only remember them up to certain point. But at least i remember up to the point where things look familiar. I ride in the direction i think to ride...and then stuff starts getting wierd. so i stop riding and i just walk. I walk up and down hills, seeing things that kinda look familiar but not really. But then finally i get it. It was perfect. I got back to the house kinda on my own, it was awesome!
I was so hungary and everyone had already left to get food. So i walk to this place near by that just says "Healthy Food", Seems like they would have Vegan food. turns out to be an awesome Morrocan Resteraunt. I got a plate and i told them to just load it up with everything they had that was vegan, which was quite a bit. The owners were really nice, i talked to them a bit. They told me if i am ever in Morocco they can help me out, so thats cool. We also talked politics..."So who do you think is going to be the big cheese in america soon? Obama? Or...the other one?" I said "Hopefully Obama"
Its really wierd, cause i am picking up the accent. Its just i dont talk to many people here, like, my convorsations with other people are very minimum, unless i feel confortable, but not often do i talk, so its not often that i realize i am talking in the accent. And everyone around me has accents, not just british but alot of french to, but i havent heard or spoken to anyone from america yet. In my head, when im thinking, im thinking with a british accent now, real strange. So when i do talk to someone, the accent comes out a little bit, and it makes me feel wierd. Like i dont talk like that, what the hell is going on dropping letters and my vowels are shorter its real wierd. But this is definatly one thing that i wanted to keep track of, alot of people were telling me before i left i would come back with an accent. So i am paying really close attention to me picking it up. Its odd. okay?
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