Saturday, October 11, 2008

Rome: Day 1 Locked and Loaded!

So, Inti and his wife took me to dinner tonight, we had pizza. It was awesome, and just so you know, pizza here doesnt always come with cheese on it, there is alot of pizza here that doesnt come with cheese actually! So, yes, it was vegan pizza. Before dinner we met up with their friend Rosanna. So we all ate traditional Pizza found in Naples. Which means the crust is thicker than Traditional Rome pizza, which is more of a "cracker", or thiner crust, is what they were telling me. EIther way it was awesome and really good. After dinner we walked around and went to the Fountain of Trevi. Again, sorry i just got to rome, not that much time here, still havent charged my camera battery, CHILL! Im here for a week, you'll get your stinkin pictures! Well, the Fountain of Trevi is a pretty big fountain and it is said if you throw a coin into the fountain you are bound to come back to Rome. So i did. Then we walked around some more and we got sorbet, which again, was vegan and it was awesome. I had an Orange and Grape sorbet.

Inti is letting me barrow one his bikes for the week im here. Nothing special, its actually a mountain bike. But to tell you the truth, riding a road bike here in rome would probably break your wrists. Rome isnt a city for bikes, no bike lanes, weak traffic signals, and extremely rough roads.

Inti is also letting me barrow one of his old cell phones, so, Morganne and I have spoken to eachother now. We are going to meet up in front of the train station tomarrow at 11:00. And will have my camera on me....

Now, probably the first thing im going to do when i get home is get one of those things that you wear while you sleep that covers your eyes. One of those black things, because there are so many times when i wake up because there is nothing covering the window and the sun is just beaming right onto my face. And travelling around like this there are those instances and also the instance that someone sleeping in the same room you are sleeping in wants to stay awake longer than you do, reading, on the computer, etc. and they keep the light on (This go a little more broader than just staying in Hostels) one of those things would be perfect! On the train ride this was one thing i thought about alot. Im not sure where to get one of those things though....

So Inti is going to show me where china town is here in Rome and show me this shoe store where i can get real cheap shoes that are just rip offs of brand named shoes. So im pumped, finally getting new shoes. I scrapped the idea of buying anything in switzerland because everything was SOOO expensive. The exchange rate there is actually better its just everything is priced higher. The same exact pair of shoes that i have now, the all white vans classics that i bought back in TC for $30, i kid you not, were 125 francs. If you do the math, that is about $110 for a pair of $30 shoes.

So also on the train ride today i thought about how this journey has changed me already. Basically, for some reason it has given me a huge drive to cook more at home. Like when i get back i want to actually go grocery shopping, and go to markets, and you know, cook at home. Another one is, and this is something that I HAVE TO DO, like cooking at home, yeah, i WANT to do that more, its just this is far more important to me, and that is to learn more languages. Specially Itlian and French. I want to master them. Im thinking i might go back to NMC this spring semester, strictly just to begin this task of mastering more languages. I feel this is actually something really important and something that america slacks in SOO MUCH. Knowing other languages helps on so many levels, from being RESPECTABLE to helpful i think. Before coming here i didnt see the importance in knowing any other language. But now, that im surrounded by people who only know other languages its been a complete change.

Its crazy to think that people live and work in cities like Rome and Paris and London. Walking past and driving past and just seeing these huge 16th-19th century monuments every day. I dont know what id go mad.

Im here in Rome for a week, my first big stay, and i cant think of anywhere better id like to be.

It is all natural spring water flowing under Rome, so water right out of the faucet is awesome.


thefooz said...

i will learn languages with you. only if you take kung fu with me lol

Anonymous said...

I told you that Rome is amazing and that Inti and Natasha are the best people ever. Ask him how to get to the place over by where his grandpa lives that has amazing bread things stuffed with vegetables - next to the same place that has amazing vegan gelato (cinnamon). I'll call you tomorrow from my office phone, so pick up when I call dude.