Friday, October 31, 2008

Pictures and stuff, pretty self explanitory...

I think you can guess what this is...
A picture taken as we were using the flash to get down the volcano. Inti was saying that alot of people die from walking down these paths at night because they will just walk off of a cliff. So, as this picture was be taken my life was in great danger!
The path we took on our way up the volcano.
The village of Stromboli. This picture is a picture of the MAIN ROAD on Stromboli. As you can see, its not big...
Rocks rising out of the sea on our way to Stromboli
Rocks while we were going to Stromboli
Stromboli: This is the side that the lava flows down. The village is on the other side.
View of the sea.
Stromboli eruption!
Nice, France.
Nice, France
Nice, France.


Rachel Lipscomb said...

awesome lancey purple undie pantsy! i am continually envious. great job with life.

Anonymous said...

lance, morganne told me about the hand in the shit night in portugal was it? pretty funny and bleak at the same time. hope youve had a blast.