So, this is the first picture i got to upload on here, uploading one picture took over 15 minutes, so lets keep it at this one for now. I can give you a good story about this place...
I went to that hardcore show with Verse and Ceremony, and it definatly reminded me of the sweet little stay on Stromboli island. So first is my traveling TO Rosswein, Germany. No one knew where the city was, no one has ever heard of it. I had to write it down so many different times and im pretty sure i came up with about 5 different ways to pronounce it. No one, as in, even the people at the train stations couldnt even help me find it. So i just take a train that i think drops me off CLOSE to Rosswein, and it does. It drops me off at this station where the people actually recognize the name Rosswein, which is actually spelt Roßwein but its awkward putting htat little symbol in there.
So i get put onto this small small train, literally it is only two carts long. And it is basically just like an above ground metro that travels to all the small small cities between the city i was in which was called Lipzig or something like that and this other city called Meugin, or something like that...both of THESE cities were already super small, so you can only imagine the cities that this train travels to. Well, Roßwein, is one of those cities, about an hour into the ride i get to Roßwein. The train station is one track and a boarded up barn. Literally. The city is really nice actually and it was saturday, so i thought people would be out and about shopping at the cool small town shops and all and i could find a hotel or something really easily. Nope. Closed up, the whole city is like a ghost town, i saw maybe 5 people walking around on the streets. The entire ride there i was basically just trying to prioritize myself, so i figured i should find a place to sleep for the night then find the venue that the show is at cause i already figuered it was a small town and finding the venue would be a piece of cake. And it was, but finding a place to sleep though was a different story. I found 2 hotels. TWO hotels the hole 3 hours i was walking around this tiny city with backpack on and everything. Both of the TWO hotels were completely abandoned. So i was just said "there is a big show tonight, i will just ask one of the bands where they are staying cause at least one the bands is going to be staying tonight." So i went looking for the venue, found it, literally in the matter of minutes. It was right down the road from the BARN they call a trainstation. And you could definatly tell that this was a place for hardcore shows (look at the picture). So i walk up to the building and there are two guys standing out side, i ask them if it was the place for the show and they said yes. They were both american so i figured they were in one of the bands, i asked which one, and they said I Rise, one of the bands that are playing. So i started talking to them about where they are staying and they said there is a hostel right up the road that they are staying at, but they wont be using any of the beds because they have to be back on the road by at least 5 in the morning they said because the next night they were playing in Warsaw, Poland. So they were just using the hostel to shower and wash up after the show and they said i could probably just take one of their beds. So, awesome. thats nice. Then some more vans start pulling in, and it is Verse and their tour manager. I start talking to the tour manager and he is actually a really cool dude, he started even talking about how i might be able to get a ride with them to the next big city which is Dresden. Because that was another worry of mine, if it is saturday the next day is sunday, and i was afraid trains might not run on sunday and i definatlly didnt want to be stuck in this small city for another night with no where to sleep. So it seemed like everything was working out perfectly. He ended up giving me a bracelet so i could get backstage and hang with all the bands and eat the food and everything. So basically my night was set, at that point, and it was awesome hanging out with the bands and everything. I got to talk with other americans and everything and then i actually became pretty familiar with the vocalist of one of the bands, Anchor, they are from Sweden and his name was Clause and talking to him i actually learned alot about the politics and history of Sweden, so that was nice. I could keep going into that, but thats a longer story than what this already is. So yeah, i got to know alot of these guys and it was awesome. Then the night went on and the tour manager got more and more busy and also more and more drunk. By the end of the night he had pretty much forgotten about me because of all of his running around and everything. So i started talking to the guys about finding that hostel and getting a ride with them and no one really gave me that straight of an answer and there was word going around that they werent even going to be going to the hostel and just hitting the road right after the show....i saw the night slowly falling apart....i was slowly accepting the fact that i was probably sleeping about 5 inches of snow.
So the show is done, its a little past 2 in the morning, everyone is packing up and im just kind of walking around trying to figure out whats going on and still no one was giving me straight answers. I finally talk to the "owner" of the venue. The venue was kind of like the castle squat we went to in Rome, just not in a castle, but ran similarly, no rules or know, a squat. So i talked to him to just figure out where the hostel is and i was just going to walk there and get a bed myself. But he said it was probably closed and they wouldnt help me, so he just opened up this door to this room....filled with mattresses, there was at least 10 or 12 mattresses and a couple of them already had people laying on them, and he just told me to take one of the mattresses. Keep in mind this place is a squat just like the place in Rome. If anyone were to have done this to us in Rome, how do you think those mattresses would have i go to a matteress kind of in a corner so i can just like curl up and hide in the dark untill morning came. Im kind of greatful for this but after that i just kind of woke this is how i slept: I lay down pull my sleeping bag out, crawl into it, fully clothed, with shoes and jacket on, curl around my back pack and then i just kind of WAKE up...and it was about 9 in the morning. I wake up and all the mattresses are taken, it turns out Ceremony and the other band that they are touring with, Never Healed stayed the night.
I wake up and some of the other guys start waking up. I basically just gather all my stuff and leave to the train station in hopes that i didnt MISS THE LAST TRAIN OUT OF THE CITY! I get there and there is already one other person waiting for a train and i ask them "Where are you goin?" they dont reply back, they clearly didnt speak any english, so i figured if anyone is going to know if a train is coming, its going to be this guy, and i dont think he is waiting for nothing. So about 15 minutes go by, more people show up and i jump on the first train that comes and the feeling i have is basically the same feeling i had when i got onto the ferry leaving stromboli island! It was great! So that building up there is the building where i saw Verse/Ceremony/Anchor/I Rise/Nver Healed at, and the building i slept in. Again, at the time it was a bit sketchy but now looking back on it, im so glad it happened!
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