Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Salzburg: The Sound of Music

So Salzburg, Austria is where they filmed the movie the Sound Of Music. Ever seen it? I havent, not untill lastnight at least. It was really boreing and the only reason why i watched it was because if i am ever going to watch it then it should be here in the city that it is based in. So, it is cool that now i can say the next time i watch the movie that i have seen some of the places that they filmed in and around, but the next time i watch it...it will probably be NEVER.
So, since the Sound of Music was filmed here it is kind of like Salzburgs claim to fame so this hostel and every other hostel here in Salzburg will play the movie at least once a day, everyday. Which is a bit sad because they have another claim to fame which for some reason they just dont embrace as much as they do with the Sound Of Music. Motzart lived here in Salzburg, Born here and raised here. He didnt stay here his whole life but im pretty sure he was born, did some growing up and died here. So instead of playing the Sound of Music everyday i think they should just play his music everyday, all day. I would much rather listen to that for 4 hours than sit and watch the sound of music for what feels like FOREVER.
So, yesterday i walked around Salzburg, did some hiking, and watched it snowed. They have a ton of christmas markets up and christmas trees and lights everywhere. Finally, winter is here for me.
Salzburg is a really nice city but I think today i might take a day trip to the German boarder mayber and then to Munich. Then tomarrow i leave for the next city, not sure where too, but. I need to get closer to Amsterdam because i will have to be there on Thursday.

So im going to go catch a train.

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