So today we hopped on a free walking tour of the gothic part of Barcelona. It was pretty cool, im glad i did it i learned ALOT. Our tour guide also spoke english! unlike the last tour guide we had before we got stranded on a desolate island in the middle of the mediteranean sea!
Our tour guide was actually from New York and our tour was her first tour and i thought she did pretty darn good. Ran us through the history of Barcelona and Spain and Catalonia, showed us some cool parts of Barcelona, told us some funny stuff about Barcelona. And I also asked her about the cost of living in Barcelona. She hasnt been living here too long and she says that living here is actually cheaper than, say, living in New York, or Chicago. In the gothic part of barcelona, which was a pretty cool part, pretty much in the center of Barcelona, you can get a room in a flat for about 500 euro a month. Meaning you have your own bedroom and you share a livingroom, bathroom, and kitchen with a couple other people. Or you can get a hole Apartment to yourself for about 800 euro. But Barcelona, in general, she says it can get as low as even 200 euro a month. So, clearly Barcelona is a city im interested in moving too.
Tomarrow, everyone, tomarrow is the day we vote, well, you vote. For a new President of the United States of America. The next President has alot of influence on our future and even the next generation of kids and the generation after that...and after that. That means, us, and the children that WE will have, and their children. The next President has alot of influence on the entire World. This may be one of those getting caught up in the moment feeling for alot of us, but this is also kind of the truth: The next President may MAKE or BREAK America. As if America isnt already broken enough, yes, it could get worst. Think of wars, between race, class, religion, friends. Think of oil prices, water prices, and the effects these will take on not only us in the country but everyone in the entire world. Think of the nature and the loss of nature. We have already done some things to this world that can not be fixed, that wont ever be what they used to be, that will forever be broken now, because of us. A lot of that part depends on us, individually, to change. We, all together, can make a huge change, remember that. Working together, as a community, and helping one another out, we can create change for the good. But our President, is who we are choosing, to represent US, the people, to the world. Our President, is who we are choosing to lead us, for change. To lead us in the correct direction for change. But again, dont forget, if WE work together, even without a President, we can create alot of change. But because of the government, that we have choose for ourselves, we elect this guy or girl, we give them a TON of power over the entire country and the world that we live in. So, in all reality, on a grand scale, it is the President, who makes the largest, most important calls about our future.
1 comment:
Just getting on the site, and wow, what an exciting trip! Great shots of the show and scene.
Much is exciting here as Susan and I get ready to cast our votes.
More to come later. Some of us have to go to work (bummer).
Take care bud, glad to see you're out there making it happen.
...these times they are a changin'.
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