Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stolen in europe.

So many people are talking to me about being careful with all my stuff, like its almost a garuntee that its going to get stolen. I dont understand, is it really that bad and scary in europe? They are people just like us, i dont see it any different than going to chicago or even detroit. Like its dangerous yeah, but i dont think it could any more dangerous than walking through downtown detroit, or riding my bike through south central chicago. I just dont understand why people are talking like iv got to be really careful or i die. Its not like im wearing an american flag attached to my back or anything.

I just feel that the reason why people are thinking like that and telling me these things is just becuase they are living out of fear and they are scared of the unkown, you know? Americans, in my opinion, generally live out of fear. Watching the news and hearing gossip and rumores, its never anything good, or its very rarely anything good, from the small stuff of like "I heard craig was cheating on his girlfriend" to the big stuff like terrorism. We, americans, are generally scared people. And more than likely, this isnt the first time you've heard a claim like this.

Well im not scared (Well i am, but) im trying to stray away from this generalization. Thats one reason why im doing this european trip. Just because it is an unknown place with a ton of people doesnt mean i need to be scared of it. And thats all it is. All it is is just a dark room and what im doing is turning on the light. Its not like a place where i will most likely die, no studies are showing me that Europe is a leading cause of death. But thats how it sounds when people here in america talk about it. All iv heard when i say im going there by myself is "be careful. your stuff might get stolen"
Well damn, cant you say that about us americans too, when ever we travel to another city here in america? Like is this what europeans tell each other when they are talking to someone travelling to america? Probably not, they probably talk about how we are scared people and how our government sucks.

So thats why im doing this, so im not a scared person, i dont live in fear. So im going to europe by myself. Im going to ride my bike, mind my own business and keep to myself. Just like how i act here in america, because there is no reason for me to act like NOT myself. And if someone wants to talk to me than i will talk to them. If i need to talk to someone than i will talk to someone. Its common human interaction, there should be no fear about it other than the fear in yourself.

Change subject:

iv got my camera up and running and in posting mode, but im still not that familiar with the way this blog works, ealier today i tried uploading a few pictures on here and tried typing a few things about them but it turned out to be more work than what i thought, so for now im just going to post pictures with very little words, leaving room for your imagination.

im on the home stretch for leaving home, iv started cleaning my bedroom. I cant think of anything more that i need to buy. All iv got to do now is visit with friends, see my mom and dad, pack up my bike, and everything in my bedroom and then head to chicago. Unfortunatly i wont have my bike in chicago. So thats too bad, but oh well, i'll only be there for three days and then i will be riding around London. There may be some changes in my travel plans and they may get a little crossy/windey, going to a couple cities more than once going places i wasnt planning on going in the first place. We will just have to see when i get there.

There are alot of things that we will have to see about when I get there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quite honestly, the couple times and several cities I've been to in Europe have felt much safer than the big cities I've been to in the US. They tend to take better care of their poor at any rate...

"plus it's not like I'm wearing an american flag attached to my back or anything" --- my favorite line.