Monday, September 29, 2008

Chicago: Day 2 Night 2

Woke up this morning, talked with Stef for a bit while i waited for andrew to wake up. Pretty cool. Andrew woke up and we took the train downtown. We walked around for a bit, we ate at chipolet, that was awesome. Then we went and saw a movie, Burn After Reading. The movie was pretty good, it is the new Coen Brothers movie. After taking and waiting for the train fir an hour and a half we finaly get back home. Break for a little bit and then Stef and I rode to Jon T.'s house. Andrew let me barrow his bike. So i did get to ride a little bit here in Chicago. A bunch of us ended up going to the Empty Bottle to watch some bands play, it was free. It was an odd expiriance, iv never seen that kind of stuff on a stage before. The music was bad too. We ate at this place next to the empty bottle called BITE, it was pretty good, good vegan food. After the show everyone left and Stef and I rode back to the house. I enjoy her company, she is really nice.

Havent really thought about euro trip at all today. Iv talked to Stef about it alot, she just came back from there, she was more on the east side though, in poland and lithuania and latvia. But today was a rainy day, it was a good day off from thinking about the traveling. Well, except for the papers that arrived in my parents mailbox. Papers that i need in order to fly to europe. Well we got that figured out pretty quickly. They are sending them next day mail, they will arrive on Wensday in the morning. Tomarrow is Tuesday.

1 comment:

thefooz said...

lance i miss you dawg. stevie and were talking about how much we miss you. i hope you are having fun with zack, andrew and stef.